Search Results
FP5 | Decolonizing Participatory Design: Memory Making in Namibia
Participatory Memory Making: Creating Postcolonial Dialogic Engagements with Namibian Youth
FP5 | A Hauntology of Participatory Speculation
Participatory Design Animation for AgUnity Field Officers
FP6 | When Participatory Design Becomes Policy: Technology Comprehension in Danish Education
Co-creating Futures with Namibian Youth
EXP1 | Participatory construction of futures for the defense of human rights for the LGBT population
Bridging Internet Coverage Gaps Among Nomadic Pastoralists In Namibia
FP5 | Design Espontâneo Periférico da América Latina
NUST confers Certificate of professorship to Professor Sarala Krishnamurthy-NBC
User Persona, Avoiding Stereotype with Archetype, a Research Review
TAKING CARE Conference | Care at the Borderline